Our clients

Faux Feminism
Why We Fall for White Feminism and How We Can Stop

Serene Khader

Beacon Press

Predatory Data
Eugenics in Big Tech and Our Fight for an Independent Future

Anita Say Chan

University of California Press

Uncertainty and Enterprise
Venturing Beyond the Known

Amar Bhidé

Oxford University Press

Kidnapped at Sea
The Civil War Voyage of David Henry White

Andrew Sillen

Johns Hopkins University Press

The Making of Modern Corporate Finance
A History of the Ideas and How They Help Build the Wealth of Nations

Donald H. Chew

Columbia Business School Press

The Visual Elements

Felice Frankel

University of Chicago Press

One Hand Clapping
The Origin Story of Human Experience

Nikolay Kukushkin

Swift / Prometheus

How Economics Can Save the World
Simple Ideas to Solve Our Biggest Problems

Erik Angner

Penguin Business

Coming Clean
The Rise of Critical Theory and the Future of the Left

Eric Heinze

The MIT Press

Why the Bible Began
An Alternative History of Scripture and Its Origins

Jacob L. Wright

Cambridge University Press

A Woman’s Guide to Claiming Space
Stand Tall. Raise Your Voice. Be Heard.

Eliza VanCort


May Contain Lies
How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases—And What We Can Do about It

Alex Edmans

University of California Press

Busting the Bankers’ Club
Finance for the Rest of Us

Gerald Epstein

University of California Press

Saving Ourselves
From Climate Shocks to Climate Action

Dana R. Fisher

Columbia University Press

Agent of the Iron Cross
The Race to Capture German Saboteur-Assassin Lothar Witzke during World War I

Bill Mills

Rowman & Littlefield

Behind the Startup
How Venture Capital Shapes Work, Innovation, and Inequality

Benjamin Shestakofsky

University of California Press

Winning with Data Science
A Handbook for Business Leaders

Howard Friedman and Akshay Swaminathan

Columbia Business School Press

Assembling Tomorrow
A Guide to Designing a Thriving Future

Scott Doorley and Carissa Carter

Ten Speed Press